What we do for our partners:

  • Identify, qualify and perform due diligence on potential Chinese manufacturing partners

  • Day-to-day operations management of manufacturing projects for SMAs (strategic manufacturing assets)

  • Direct sales and marketing to China-based Western & Global OEM’s and major Chinese customers

  • Assist in salvaging failed or underperforming China projects

  • Perform pre-investment planning for large-scale manufacturing, sales and distribution operations in China

  • Provide HR solutions for Western manufacturers in China

How do we do it:

  • English speaking Chinese projects managers and engineers

  • Strong relationships with Western OEM’s in China

  • Long-term mutually beneficial relationship with indigenous Chinese manufacturers

  • Daily monitoring of projects via Internet-based communications tools; video conferencing and online projects management software

  • Win-win business model:

Western partners gain non-capital intensive capacity , a sustainable cost advantage and access to the vast Chinese industrial market.

Chinese partners gain valuable management and technical skills and access to world-wide markets to grow their companies.


What you need to know:

  • Quality and communication are the major challenges

  • No substitute for “boots on the ground”

  • No supply chain (as we know it) in China

  • You can’t get it made in China -have to “make it”

  • Manufacturing in China is not a sourcing exercise

  • Your customers need you more in China than they do at home